Big Dog BARF for Dog 大笨狗 急凍雞肉狗糧 12件一盒

Quick Overview

Big Dog BARF 大笨狗 急凍雞肉狗糧,絕對不含毒素和污染物,並提供容易消化及吸收的蛋白質,幫助改善皮毛、牙齒健康,增蛋免疫力。



Big Dog BARF For Dog 大笨狗 急凍雞肉狗糧

Big Dog BARF 系列凍肉糧絕對不含毒素和污染物,並提供容易消化及吸收的蛋白質,幫助改善皮毛、牙齒健康,增蛋免疫力。

Big Dog BARF 雞肉配方乃 Big Dog BARF 眾多凍肉中最暢銷的味道!因為雞肉是最容易被狗狗接受的一種肉類,假如狗狗從未食過鮮肉,最好先以雞肉配方開始,逐步讓狗狗嘗試食鮮肉。

在提供豐富維生素及營養的同時,雞肉的蛋白質質素更比某幾種的肉類更佳。而且,Big Dog BARF 雞肉配方亦混合了雞骨,提供大量、充滿營養的骨髓,對狗狗的整體健康及關節都有更好的保護。

Sourced from 100% Australian suppliers, Big Dog Chicken RAW offers excellent levels of vitamins, minerals, nutrients and essential fatty acids (EFAs).

Containing a variety of finely ground chicken bone, season fruit and vegetables and other natural supplements, Big Dog Chicken is one of our most popular flavours.

The raw chicken bones in Big Dog Raw contain nutrient-dense bone marrow, which is a superior, natural and energy-giving ingredient. Chicken bones also contain good coverage of healthy digestible cartilage and a readily digestible form of calcium and phosphorus.

Chicken also offers excellent levels of protein and ensures correct growth, repair and recovery at all stages of your pet’s life.

Because chicken offers so much coverage with its nutrient profile, it is an important ingredient in nearly all our range of Big Dog Raw Food.

Perfect for dogs who:

  1. Are under 12 months (puppies)
  2. Prefer white meat
  3. Are just starting out on a RAW diet (Also see our blog article about switching your dog over)

Ingredients 成分

雞肉,細碎的雞骨和軟骨,牛肉和羊肉心,牛肉和羊肉肝,牛肉和羊肉腎,全魚(鮭魚和沙丁魚),時令水果,蔬菜(羽衣甘藍,菠菜,西蘭花,白菜,銀甜菜,胡蘿蔔,芹菜,甜菜根,萵苣,黃瓜,辣椒,蘋果,橙,梨,番茄,草莓,薑和香菜),冷壓亞麻籽,全蛋,苜蓿粉,海帶粉(棕色海藻),釀酒酵母, ,生活益生菌,益生元,大蒜。

Chicken, finely ground chicken bone & cartilage,  beef & lamb heart, beef & lamb liver, beef & lamb kidney, whole fish (salmon & sardines), seasonal fruits, vege & herbs (kale, spinach, broccoli, bok choy, silver beet, carrots, celery, beetroot, lettuce, cucumber, capsicum, apple, orange, pear, tomato, strawberry, ginger  & parsley), cold pressed ground flaxseed, whole egg, alfalfa powder, kelp powder (brown seaweed), brewers yeast, wheatgrass, live probiotics, prebiotics, garlic.



Protein 蛋白質 (最少)           12.5%
Fat 脂肪 (最少)14.0%
Fiber 纖維 (最多)1.0%
Calcium 鈣0.8%
Phosphorus 磷0.5%
Ash 灰質(最多)3.0%

 熱量:kJ/100g = 790. kJ/serve (250g) = 1975


Directions for Use 使用方法:

凍肉必須保存於冰箱中,餵食前預先撕開包裝,將凍肉放入有蓋子的容器內並放入雪櫃解凍;六可放置於室溫下自然解凍,但請注意不可超過 1-2 小時,以免變壞。

** 生肉含有活菌,若處理不當,會引起疾病!請於食用後徹底清潔器皿及雙手,以免受到污染。
** 建議不要以不鏽鋼器皿餵食,以方便食用後以熱水消毒。
** 解凍後的生肉,請用有蓋的器皿裝好並放入冰箱留待下一餐餵食,可保存約 2-3 天。

1.Best seller
Flavour 味道Beef 牛肉, Chicken 雞肉, Egg 雞蛋, Flax Seeds 亞麻籽, Fruit 水果, Salmon 三文魚, Vegetable 蔬菜
Special Diet 飲食配方Anti-skin Sensitive 防皮膚敏感
Pet Type 寵物類型All Life Stages Dog 全年齡犬
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