Dr. B 急凍袋鼠肉貓糧 12片 / 盒 3lb

Quick Overview

Dr. B急凍袋鼠肉貓糧,選材自澳洲本土,其中肉類、骨頭及內臟都是百份百來自不含生長激素的食用禽畜,而蔬果則產自附近農場,確保新鮮營養。



Dr. B 急凍袋鼠肉貓糧

Dr. B’s Kangaroo Recipe BARF for Cats

Dr. B 急凍糧選材自澳洲本土,其中肉類、骨頭及內臟都是百份百來自不含生長激素的食用禽畜,而蔬果則產自附近農場,確保在最新鮮、營養價值最高的時候被急凍成 Dr. B 肉餅,鎖住營養。

Dr. B 全線急凍糧絕不含穀物、填充物、化學品、染色素及防腐劑,成分中的骨頭都經碾碎,確保貓貓可以安全食用。

而每一批輸港的產品均經澳洲檢驗檢疫局 ( AQIS ) 檢查,並由該局獸醫簽發衛生証明。整個運輸過程都在攝氏負 18 度以下進行。


Ingredients 成分


Kangaroo, Chicken, Beef and/or Pork and/or Lamb (includes meat, finely ground bones and offal), Whole Eggs, Carrots, Apples, Salmon frames, Yoghurt, Dehydrated Kelp plus other assorted seasonal vegetables and /or fruits.


Analysis 營養分析

Protein 蛋白質 18.0%
Fat 脂肪 8.0%
Fiber 纖維 2.0%
Calcium 鈣2.0%
Phosphorus 磷1.2%

熱量:kJ/100g = 535. kJ/serve (115g) = 615.


Directions for Use 使用方法

How Much Should I Feed My Adult Cat?

Feed 4% of bodyweight per day (divided into 2 to 3 meals)

Always adjust amount fed to maintain desired body weight and condition.

For simple obesity, reduce amount of food fed, reduce bones and reduce fat but do not starve the cat. Calories fed may also be reduced by adding small amounts of low glycaemic index vegetable pulp to the patties (eg. from your juicer).

When feeding 50% patties and 50% raw meaty bones, feed half the above plus an equal amount raw meaty bones. This may be fed as two meals daily, a patty meal and a raw meaty bone meal.

Weight4% Bodyweight5% Bodyweight6% bodyweight
1 Kg0.300.500.60
2 Kg0.600.751.00
3 Kg1.001.301.50
4 kg1.501.752.00
5 Kg1.752.002.50
6 Kg2.002.503.00

How Much Do We Feed Pregnant Female Cats?

  1. First third of pregnancy - 4% of bodyweight per day (divided into 2 to 3 meals)
  2. Second third of pregnancy - 4-5% bodyweight per day (divided into 3 meals)
  3. Last third of pregnancy - 5% bodyweight per day (divided into 4 meals)

How Much Should I Feed My Kitten?

Feed 5-6% of bodyweight per day (divided into 4 to 5 meals)


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