Nutri-Vet Pill Gun 藥槍

Quick Overview

Nutri-Vet 藥槍方便主人餵藥給寵物,輕輕一按即可讓寵物乖乖服下藥丸。



Nutri-Vet 藥槍

Nutri-Vet Pill Gun For Pets

Nutri-Vet 藥槍方便主人餵藥給寵物,用法簡易,輕輕一按即可讓寵物乖乖服下藥丸。

Nutri-Vet Pill gun for pets is a handy pill dispenser designed for easy administration of oral tablets or capsules to your dog or cat. Maximizes control and ensures a controlled dosage. Veterinarian approved. 

Directions for Use 使用方法:

1. 將 Nutri-Vet 藥槍上的紙條取走、拔出柱塞,並將藥丸放入藥槍,然後蓋上柱塞;
2. 按動 Nutri-Vet 藥槍頂部的按掣,將藥丸推至藥槍的尖端;
3. 以食指及中指夾著藥槍的幹部,而母指則置於頂部的按掣處;
4. 以另一隻手從後握著寵物的頭部,用手指將寵物的咀角向後拉逼使寵物打開口;
5. 盡量將槍對著舌頭的後方,並按出藥丸。

** 用後請沖洗 Nutri-Vet 藥槍,然後風乾。
** 如無須使用藥槍,請將栓塞拔出。

Directions for use: 1. Remove paper collar. Remove plunger. Insert pill into barrel. Replace plunger. Push plunger into opening of barrel tip. Insert pill as plunger is extracted. 2. Place index and middle fingers under bars of Pill Gun. Adjust as necessary for full control. 3. Open pet's mouth with one hand over top of head and muzzle. Apply pressure with fingers on each side of the jaw hinge. Insert Pill Gun over tongue and to back of mouth. Quickly push plunger to administer. Rinse with water and air dry. Pull plunger out when not in use.

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