Fish4Cats 全貓無麩質低敏(沙甸魚) 1.5kg

特價 HK$191.70 一般價格 HK$213.00
Quick Overview




  1. 貓喜歡FISH的口味和香氣 - 使Fish4Cats健康美味的餐點。FISH是一種奇妙的蛋白質 - 易消化,使您的貓的肚子溫和,飽和脂肪和糖相對較低。
  2. FISH是天然存在的歐米茄3的絕佳來源,適合外表,皮膚和關節。
  3. 為了給你的貓一個美味的健康飲食,我們在我們的貓食中使用大量可愛的魚類,魚類含量超過65%。
  4. 礦物質含量平衡,減少腎臟和蔓越莓的毒素,Fish4Cats可以幫助尿道健康。
  5. 使用功能性纖維來減輕毛球的通過。
  1. Cats love the tastes and aromas of FISH - Making Fish4Cats a healthy and delicious meal.  FISH is a wonderful protein - easily digestible, making it gentle on your cat's tummy and relatively low in saturated fats and sugars.
  2. FISH is a superb source of naturally occurring omega 3 - great for coat, skin and joints.
  3. To give your cat a tasty healthy diet we use lots of lovely FISH in our cat food with over 65% fish content.
  4. With a balanced mineral content, reducing the strain on kidneys and added cranberries, Fish4Cats can help with Urinary tract health.
  5. With functional fibres to ease the passage of hairballs.


Ingredients 成分

三文魚粉(33%),新鮮沙丁魚(22%),甘藷(17% ),木薯(13%),三文魚油(8%),魚湯(2.5%),向日葵油,酵母提取物,麥芽提取物,豌豆纖維,幹藻類,幹蔓越莓,礦物質。

Salmon Meal (33%), Fresh Sardine (22%), Sweet Potato (17%), Cassava (13%), Salmon Oil (8%), Fish Digest (2.5%), Sunflower Oil, Yeast Extract, Malt Extract, Pea Fibre, Dried Algae, Dried Cranberries, Minerals 



Protein 蛋白質 (最少)31.0%
Fat 脂肪 (最少)19.0%
Fiber 纖維 (最多)2.2%
維他命A-22(最少)500 IU/kg
Omega 3 (最少)1.3%
維他命D3-1 (最少)850 IU/kg
Vitamin E (最少)550 IU/kg
Ash 灰質 (最多)8.0%
Taurine 牛磺酸 (最少)900 mg/kg


Directions for Use 使用方法

WT(KG)Daily feed(g)
1 - 330 - 40
3 - 560 - 80
5 - 8 80 - 95

1.Best seller
Flavour 味道Cranberry 小紅莓, Fish 魚肉, Salmon 三文魚, Sweet Potato 甜薯, Sunflower Oil 太陽花籽油, Salmon Oil 三文魚油
Special Diet 飲食配方Digestion System 幫助消化, Hairball 毛球, Joint Health 關節護理, Urinary Tract Health 尿道健康, Uretic 泌尿系統, Skin Care 皮毛護理
Pet Type 寵物類型All Life Stages Cat 全年齡貓
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