Ibiyaya 單寧瘋輕量寵物前/後背包 牛仔藍 (5kg)

Quick Overview

Ibiyaya 單寧瘋輕量寵物前/後背包 牛仔藍這款高品質背包不僅絕對寬敞,而且重量輕、多功能,最重要的是對我們珍貴的寵物來說超級安全。



Ibiyaya 單寧瘋輕量寵物前/後背包 牛仔藍 (5kg)


  1. 超輕:僅重 760 克(1.67 磅)這款新款 Denim Fun 輕質小型寵物背袋非常適合徒步旅行、露營,甚至長途旅行。它保證了出色的支撐和卓越的舒適度。想像一下,背著寵物背包,背部和肩膀上感覺不到額外的重量。絕對是您和您的四足夥伴的完美步行夥伴。
  2. 人體工學設計,提供額外支撐:配有超柔軟加厚透氣墊、可輕鬆調節的肩帶和胸帶,提供出色的支撐。這款貓和小狗手提包的最終設計目的是將重量均勻地分散到您的背部和肩膀上,讓您散步、遠​​足和冒險時保證無痛無憂。
  3. 最大氣流:配備多個網窗,以最大限度地提高通風,再加上帶磁性緊固件的頂蓋,以保護您的寵物的隱私並使其不受干擾。
  4. 硬殼和高密度硬底支撐:採用可拆卸的 EVA 硬殼和高密度硬底支撐;添加了自動鎖定滑塊和安全繩,以確保您的寵物的安全。
  5. 2 向背包但易於存放:以兩種方式攜帶背包(正面或背面)。將其平放或平放,並根據需要調整底墊。將其折疊平整,方便存放。最佳小型犬背帶背包和胸包。
  6. 自動鎖定滑塊和繫繩:我們知道,沒有什麼比背著背包並不斷檢查您的寵物是否逃脫更有壓力的了。我們理解這種擔憂,這就是為什麼我們設計了這款具有多種安全功能的背帶。它具有自動鎖定滑塊和安全繫繩,可確保您的寵物保持在原位,並且一旦進入寵物籠就不會逃脫。
  7. 航空公司批准的客艙寵物背帶:您可以將毛茸茸的朋友帶入客艙,同時時刻關注它們。適合機艙的完美輕型貓狗背帶。




尺寸: L21 W23 H40 (cm)

配備: 安全釦環/保潔墊

Ibiyaya Denim Insane Lightweight Pet Backpack Denim Blue (5kg)


  1. ULTRA LIGHTWEIGHT: Weighing only 760 grams (1.67 lbs) the new Denim Fun Lightweight Small Pet Carrier is perfect for hiking, camping, or even long-distance travel. It guarantees excellent support and exceptional comfort. Imagine wearing a pet backpack without feeling the extra weight on your back and shoulders. Definitely the perfect walking companion for you and your four-legged companion.
  2. ERGONOMIC DESIGN FOR EXTRA SUPPORT: Comes with super soft padded breathable padding, easily adjustable shoulder and chest straps for excellent support. The ultimate design of this cat and puppy tote is to distribute the weight evenly across your back and shoulders, making your walks, hikes and adventures pain-free guaranteed.
  3. MAXIMUM AIRFLOW: Equipped with multiple mesh windows to maximize ventilation, plus a top cover with magnetic fasteners to protect your pet's privacy and keep it out of the way.
  4. Hard Shell & High-Density Hard Bottom Support: Features a removable EVA hard shell and high-density hard bottom support; Adds an auto-locking slider and safety rope to keep your pets safe.
  5. 2-WAY BACKPACK BUT EASY TO STORE: Carry the backpack two ways (front or back). Lay it flat or flat and adjust the bottom pad as needed. Folds it flat for easy storage. Best small dog sling backpack and chest pack.
  6. AUTOMATIC LOCKING SLIDERS AND TEACHES: We know there's nothing more stressful than wearing a backpack and constantly checking to see if your pet has escaped. We understand this concern, which is why we designed this harness with several safety features. It features auto-locking sliders and a safety tether to ensure your pet stays in place and cannot escape once inside the crate.
  7. Airline Approved Cabin Pet Carrier: You can bring your furry friend into the cabin while keeping an eye on them. The perfect lightweight cat and dog harness for the cabin.


Suggested load: 5kg

Net weight: 0.76kg

Dimensions: L21 W23 H40 (cm)

Equipped with: safety buckle/cleaning pad



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