Ibiyaya 尊爵號鋁合金寵物推車 奢華金 (30kg)

Quick Overview

Ibiyaya 尊爵號鋁合金寵物推車由防刮陽極氧化鋁框架製成,儘管重量輕,但非常堅固。 Monarch 寵物推車的單手折疊裝置使存放變得輕而易舉。



Ibiyaya 尊爵號鋁合金寵物推車(奢華金)30kg


緊湊的尺寸,專為電單車設計。帶上Ibiyaya 寵物推車,與你的愛寵一起去兜風。


  1. 輕便而不犧牲耐用性:這款寵物推車由防刮陽極氧化鋁框架製成,儘管重量輕,但非常堅固。
  2. 易於存放: Monarch 寵物推車的單手折疊裝置使存放變得輕而易舉。它快速、簡單且易於折疊,可以輕鬆存放在家里或車裡。
  3. 易於清潔:為了確保您的小狗始終保持清潔,您可以用小狗的便便墊加固這款中型狗推車的底墊。只需將底墊扔進洗衣機,如果您的狗弄髒了,您就可以開始使用了。
  4. 設計時考慮到舒適性: Monarch 寵物推車配有符合人體工學的手柄,讓您倍感舒適。此外,其輪子的設計易於維護且易於推動。
  5. 通風良好: Monarch 擁有精心設計的通風系統,可讓您的愛犬在炎熱的天氣裡散步時保持涼爽和舒適。為了促進您的狗的空氣流通,頂篷和小屋的一部分由網狀結構組成。
  6. 為您的寵物帶來愉快的乘坐體驗:得益於全輪懸架,您心愛的寵物將在岩石地形或城市人行道上舒適地乘坐 Monarch 寵物推車。由於前輪還可以 360 度旋轉,因此操作起來很簡單。這款嬰兒車一定會受到您的狗狗的歡迎!
  7. 對您的寵物安全:提高安全性的功能包括 Monarch 寵物推車上的一鍵式連接後製動器和安全前鎖定旋轉輪。您的寵物的安全繩也包含在其中!
  8. 一觸式聯動後製動器:嬰兒車具有聯動後製動器,只需輕輕一觸即可啟動。要接合,請按一次,然後要釋放,請再次按。
  9. 創新設計:技術先進、設計創新的嬰兒車易於推動和控制。由於框架由陽極氧化鋁製成,因此既堅固又輕便。它具有一鍵式連接後製動器以確保安全,並配有安全繩以約束您的寵物。
  10. 超大儲物容器:該容器有足夠的空間滿足您和您的寵物的需求。它非常適合存放零食、玩具等!還有一個杯架和一個手機架。
  11. 環保車輪:製造這款狗車嬰兒車所使用的每種材料都保證安全,包括車輪。它們由 EVA 製成,這種材料不含 BPA,也不需要任何鄰苯二甲酸鹽。這種材料還因重量輕、維護成本低和防刺穿而聞名。




座艙 :L60 W39 H53 (cm)

展開 :L96 W60 H103 (cm)

收納後 :L41 W60 H90 (cm)

配備:安全扣環x2/ 保潔墊 /置杯架




Ibiyaya Prestige aluminum alloy pet stroller (luxury gold) 30kg


Compact size, specially designed for scooters. With Ibiyaya Mini Pet Buggy, you can go for a drive and enjoy the breeze with your fur kid.


  1. Lightweight without sacrificing durability: Made with a scratch-resistant anodized aluminum frame, this pet stroller is extremely strong despite its light weight.
  2. Easy Storage: The Monarch Pet Stroller's one-handed fold mechanism makes storage a breeze.It's quick, easy, and easy to fold for easy storage at home or in the car.
  3. EASY TO CLEAN: To make sure your puppy is always clean, you can reinforce the bottom pad of this medium dog stroller with puppy poop pads. Just toss the undermat in the washing machine and if your dog gets dirty, you're good to go.
  4. Designed with Comfort in Mind: The Monarch Pet Stroller features an ergonomic handle for your comfort. Plus, its wheels are designed for easy maintenance and easy pushing.
  5. Well Ventilated: The Monarch has a well-designed ventilation system to keep your dog cool and comfortable during hot weather walks. To promote air circulation for your dog, the canopy and part of the hut are made of mesh.
  6. An enjoyable ride for your pet: Thanks to the all-wheel suspension, your beloved pet will comfortably ride the Monarch Pet Stroller on rocky terrain or city sidewalks. Maneuvering is easy as the front wheels also swivel 360 degrees. This stroller is sure to be a hit with your dog!
  7. SAFE FOR YOUR PETS: Safety-enhancing features include a one-touch attach rear brake and secure front locking swivel wheels on the Monarch Pet Stroller. Your pet's safety leash is also included!
    One-Touch Linked Rear Brake: The stroller features a linked rear brake that activates with just one touch. To engage, press once, then to release, press again.
  8. Innovative Design: The technologically advanced, innovatively designed stroller is easy to push and control. Since the frame is made of anodized aluminum, it is strong yet lightweight. It features a one-touch attach rear brake for safety and a safety leash to restrain your pet.
  9. EXTRA LARGE STORAGE CONTAINER: This container has enough space to meet the needs of you and your pets. It's perfect for storing snacks, toys, and more! There is also a cup holder and a phone holder.
  10. Eco-Friendly Wheels: Every material used to make this dog stroller stroller is guaranteed safe, including the wheels. They are made of EVA, a material that is BPA free and does not require any phthalates. The material is also known for being lightweight, low maintenance and puncture resistant.

Recommended load capacity: 30kg

Net weight: 7.7kg

Cockpit: L60 W39 H53 (cm)

Expand : L96 W60 H103 (cm)

After storage: L41 W60 H90 (cm)

Equipment: safety buckle x2/cleaning pad/cup holder

Additional Purchase: Rain Cover (L)



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